A hét reakciója, avagy visszatért a foci!!!
It's beautiful. pic.twitter.com/g4QA2nnfCX
— Las Vegas Raiders (@Raiders) September 13, 2020
A hét bevonulása egy üres stadionba:
Appreciate Alex Mack showing some love for the empty seats when he was introduced yesterday 😂 pic.twitter.com/DFIO8QylxG
— Justin Felder (@Justin_FOX5) September 14, 2020
A hét legendái:
Respect between legends. pic.twitter.com/wpEQnHJe78
— New Orleans Saints (@Saints) September 14, 2020
A hét haverjai:
Mahomes and Watson sharing a moment 😂 @PatrickMahomes @deshaunwatson pic.twitter.com/T4aUByIZ8M
— The Checkdown (@thecheckdown) September 11, 2020
A hét ikertornyai:
— trina (@trinadelasuerte) September 13, 2020
A hét szurkolói:
And right when I tweeted that, it got better. pic.twitter.com/OVLKm3fNlo
— Albert Breer (@AlbertBreer) September 13, 2020
A hét cukisága:
Russell Wilson's baby is the cutest thing you'll see this week 💙 pic.twitter.com/LO5zb7Z4Dg
— Sports Illustrated (@SInow) September 13, 2020
A hét maszkja:
Andy Reid vs. his face shield 😂 #ChiefsKingdom pic.twitter.com/AV8c25JDmU
— The MMQB (@theMMQB) September 11, 2020
Andy Reid’s facemask 👀 pic.twitter.com/xjjwWXydqZ
— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) September 11, 2020
A hét helytelen maszviselete (mostantól ezt bünteti is a liga):
If only coaches had another way to hide their play calls https://t.co/6FJ9hjDLMn pic.twitter.com/1HIYUjIfWE
— Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) September 14, 2020
Heti Burrow-face:
— CBS Sports (@CBSSports) September 13, 2020
Heti Gruden-face:
FOOTBALL GUY pic.twitter.com/EXXIGcaRZT
— PFF (@PFF) September 13, 2020
[ppp_patron_only level=”3″ silent=”no”]
A hét napszemüvege:
— B/R Gridiron (@brgridiron) September 13, 2020
A hét meccs előtti outfitje:
Mecole Hardman’s pregame fit 😂
(via @Chiefs) pic.twitter.com/BJCE5W6P8W
— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) September 10, 2020
A hét tetkója:
.@EzekielElliott's new tattoo: 🍽️
"FEED ME" pic.twitter.com/RuVmPt5mDN
— SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) September 14, 2020
A hét ünneplése:
Laviska Shenault scored the TD and then went bowling 😂 @Viska2live @Jaguars pic.twitter.com/iRbv8Z7LWL
— The Checkdown (@thecheckdown) September 13, 2020
A hét rutinos megmozdulása:
Every second matters to @LarryFitzgerald 👏
Cardinals got a FG because of this.
(via @thecheckdown)pic.twitter.com/Zkxm6U4zo6
— SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) September 13, 2020
A hét passza:
Davante Adams has 9 receptions, 102 yards and this TD in the first half. Gorgeous play by Rodgers. Ballin'pic.twitter.com/wIHc5mB5sz
— NFL Update (@MySportsUpdate) September 13, 2020
A hét leghosszabb játéka:
A 75-yard TD from Teddy to Robby to give the @Panthers the lead! #KeepPounding
📺: #LVvsCAR on CBS
📱: NFL app // Yahoo Sports app: https://t.co/DTlgEUZamw pic.twitter.com/HfiIjXnNVL— NFL (@NFL) September 13, 2020
A hét „ebből a helyzetből meg hogy lett TD” jelenetei:
He scored on this play. pic.twitter.com/LR3eEckVtU
— Matt Miller (@nfldraftscout) September 14, 2020
Should be anatomically impossible for this to end up a TD. pic.twitter.com/h2Jm1NO3Xc
— Ross Tucker (@RossTuckerNFL) September 15, 2020
A hét egyetemi elkapása:
This catch not counting is a crime against the great sport of football pic.twitter.com/w4zjX68IgO
— Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) September 12, 2020
A hét profi elkapásai:
ALLEN ROBINSON IS A FREAK!!! pic.twitter.com/LO22N4CZyX
— Warren Sharp (@SharpFootball) September 13, 2020
Mark Andrews comes down the incredible grab and the #Ravens are once again off and running. Lamar's first TD of the season.pic.twitter.com/tlOfurRVQN
— NFL Update (@MySportsUpdate) September 13, 2020
A hét újonc elkapása:
CHASE CLAYPOOL ARE YOU SERIOUS 😤 @ChaseClaypool @steelers pic.twitter.com/JLIxs91RsB
— The Checkdown (@thecheckdown) September 14, 2020
A hét majdnem-elkapása:
oh my goodness Mike Williams almost had an all-timer pic.twitter.com/UTokl5jsMm
— Nate Tice (@Nate_Tice) September 13, 2020
A hét kemény csávója:
Grown. Man. Strength. 😳 @MarvinJonesJr @Lions pic.twitter.com/oScG7ajZqx
— The Checkdown (@thecheckdown) September 13, 2020
.@MarvinJonesJr running tough 😳 #OnePride
📺: #CHIvsDET on FOX
📱: NFL app // Yahoo Sports app: https://t.co/DTlgEUZamw pic.twitter.com/ro7r2jQWc2— NFL (@NFL) September 13, 2020
A hét futása:
CLYDE. THE. GLIDEpic.twitter.com/5HUkhKlZeb
— Warren Sharp (@SharpFootball) September 11, 2020
A hét gátfutásai:
undrafted rookie James Robinson! pic.twitter.com/R8PYUjFYlK
— Nate Tice (@Nate_Tice) September 13, 2020
SAQUON WON'T STOP HURDLING DUDES 😲 @saquon @Giants pic.twitter.com/TWMdhjeDpK
— The Checkdown (@thecheckdown) September 15, 2020
Saquon is not of this planet 😤 @saquon @Giants pic.twitter.com/Ah7RC8wswg
— The Checkdown (@thecheckdown) September 15, 2020
A hét testcsele:
*In extremely Chris Berman voice* WHOOP
Love this from Darnell Mooney, who had three catches for 38 yards in his NFL debut. pic.twitter.com/SMIs8cITct
— JJ Stankevitz (@JJStankevitz) September 14, 2020
A hét safetyje:
CORNERBACK BLITZ SAFETY!!! pic.twitter.com/bMs2myVblz
— Christian D'Andrea (@TrainIsland) September 13, 2020
A hét duplapasszos TD-je:
motion wideout double-pass perfection. Arkansas State might be my new favorite team pic.twitter.com/5bf7j5HBMq
— Christian D'Andrea (@TrainIsland) September 12, 2020
A hét meglepetése Mitchell Schwartz engedett sackje a második drive-ban, miután tavaly egyetlen egy ilyet sem engedett:
Mitchell Schwartz allowed 0 sacks on 757 pass-blocking snaps in 2019
Jacob Martin just beat him for one on this play 👀pic.twitter.com/OFLuOnnUZF
— PFF (@PFF) September 11, 2020
A hét buta passza:
"thank you" – king mel probs @MelvinIngram | #BoltUp pic.twitter.com/gaMvfFfnmX
— Los Angeles Chargers (@Chargers) September 13, 2020
A hét dropja:
#Lions rookie D'Andre Swift dropped the touchdown that could've won the game.pic.twitter.com/Y8K8rUSucZ
— Dov Kleiman (@NFL_DovKleiman) September 13, 2020
Ehhez kapcsolódóan a hét leadott előnye:
The Lions became just the 4th team since 2006 to blow a 17+ point lead entering the 4th quarter.
Teams had been 779-3 (99.6%) in that span.
— Warren Sharp (@SharpFootball) September 14, 2020
A hét elbénázott meccse:
Colts had 445 yards of total offense. They didn’t punt. They lost.
— Andrew Siciliano (@AndrewSiciliano) September 13, 2020
A hét puntere:
Georgia Tech’s punter is the very definition of an athlete. #UnitCity @unnecroughness pic.twitter.com/v3LW2cDQa6
— Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) September 12, 2020
A hét puntkísérlete:
College football is BACK!!!!! pic.twitter.com/RxBUH8g588
— Jim Weber (@JimMWeber) September 13, 2020
A hét fake puntja:
RUMBLE BIG MAN, RUMBLE pic.twitter.com/45yfKg8lC1
— CBS Sports Network (@CBSSportsNet) September 12, 2020
A hét elrontott fake puntja:
#Falcons try fake punt on their own 35-yard line. Had it converted and Seahawks force fumble and recover it. Wilson is 18-21 for 3 scores. #Denver7 pic.twitter.com/laj9FWhB31
— Troy Renck (@TroyRenck) September 13, 2020
A hét blokkolt punt utáni megcsinált first downja:
So, this play didn't count because of a penalty…
But you've GOTTA appreciate the wheels by Kevin Pointer, who just happens to clock in at 287 pounds. pic.twitter.com/bm5GRgqHmH
— CBS Sports (@CBSSports) September 12, 2020
A hét elrontott mezőnygól utáni próbálkozása:
Georgia Southern's punter nearly turned a bad FG snap into a first down, except he targeted a DE with his desperation heave (then nearly got him decapitated) pic.twitter.com/QImBftfQvA
— Christian D'Andrea (@TrainIsland) September 12, 2020
A hét elbénázott kick returnje:
Tom Brady death stare about to be handed out to EVERYONE
— PFF (@PFF) September 13, 2020
A hét forró krumplija:
HOT POTATO pic.twitter.com/BkiZDXz7qS
— The Checkdown (@thecheckdown) September 14, 2020
A hét onside kickje (ez örökösen Younghoe Koo-é):
YOUNGHOE KOO IS AN ONSIDE KICK LEGEND 🔥 @YounghoeKoo @AtlantaFalcons pic.twitter.com/kmWiOWD8Eb
— The Checkdown (@thecheckdown) September 13, 2020
A hét érthetetlen viselkedése:
Seahawks twitter when they won’t let Russ cook pic.twitter.com/RK6ql0X3ZB
— Nate Tice (@Nate_Tice) September 12, 2020
A hét érdekes felállása:
Coaches get your notepads out. Syracuse using a Canadian football inspired play. Four receivers to the field with one split15 yards behind the line. Once the ball is snapped he runs forward and catches it with blocks from the other Rhee receivers. Perfectly legal play. pic.twitter.com/otNYc4CD3F
— XandOJunkie (@Spread_it_Out) September 12, 2020
A hét berúgott irányítója:
The Jimmy G triple spin pic.twitter.com/rypzDvrJGK
— Bill Barnwell (@billbarnwell) September 14, 2020
lol brownspic.twitter.com/cWwbElNxfr
— Dov Kleiman (@NFL_DovKleiman) September 13, 2020
Don't see this often. #Browns pic.twitter.com/G6pkr62Z33
— NFL Update (@MySportsUpdate) September 13, 2020
A hét pass rush technikája:
some DL coach gonna call this “Zombie technique” pic.twitter.com/wXsye0yifT
— Nate Tice (@Nate_Tice) September 15, 2020
A hét pusztítása:
Trent Williams smh 💥 pic.twitter.com/Hl80X4dS5C
— hyphy + condensed. (@_Trapitalism) September 13, 2020
Heti pusztítás Aaron Donaldtól:
How?? 😂😂😂😂😂 come on man pic.twitter.com/gTxGpkM8av
— Jon Ledyard (@LedyardNFLDraft) September 14, 2020
A hét kibírt ütése:
Mike Williams was NOT dropping that ball😳
— PFF (@PFF) September 13, 2020
A hét stiff armja:
This Corey Davis stiff arm 😤
(via @thecheckdown)pic.twitter.com/G3gkVFs2g3
— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) September 15, 2020
A hét hihetetlen tette, avagy Derrick Henry földrevitele:
* DERRICK HENRY DOWN * pic.twitter.com/VGnzHZ2DJE
— Marc Sessler (@MarcSessler) September 15, 2020
A hét halott embere:
Carson Wentz under pressure:
➤ 20 dropbacks (most)
➤ Sacked 8 times (most) pic.twitter.com/IS27gxdEVQ— PFF (@PFF) September 14, 2020
A hét hihetetlen lateral játéka:
We stopped counting after the 8th lateral but heartbreaking losses are back.
Nature is healing. pic.twitter.com/IA81bSoQTu
— Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) September 12, 2020
A heti Josh Allen élmény:
What is Josh Allen doing??pic.twitter.com/OISUGMbQ66
— Dov Kleiman (@NFL_DovKleiman) September 13, 2020
And then the second one pic.twitter.com/PtQUutc8bx
— Bill Barnwell (@billbarnwell) September 14, 2020
Heti Taysom Hill:
Taysom letting it fly 🚀 @T_Hill4 @Saints pic.twitter.com/8hzipZ70pz
— The Checkdown (@thecheckdown) September 13, 2020
Heti Kyler Murray:
Can't touch Kyler Murray 😳 @K1 #AZCardinals
📺: #AZvsSF on FOX
📱: NFL app // Yahoo Sports app: https://t.co/5o8cWoN1yf pic.twitter.com/wY0w8v9T1f— NFL (@NFL) September 13, 2020
Heti Fitzmagic:
Ryan Fitzpatrick with the 2-point conversion run #Dolphins pic.twitter.com/Rj2hmrtVPP
— Greg Likens (@GregLikens) September 13, 2020
Heti Juju:
GO GO GO GO……WHO'S NEXT? 😂 @TeamJuJu @steelers pic.twitter.com/5JZh2LFs6V
— The Checkdown (@thecheckdown) September 15, 2020
What are the odds Juju has this on TikTok by the final whistle pic.twitter.com/hXM2ewCzvk
— Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) September 15, 2020
Heti Minshew Mánia:
Minshew Mania is real 🔥
– 19/20
– 173 yards
– 3 TDs pic.twitter.com/AHp13pAynU— B/R Gridiron (@brgridiron) September 13, 2020
A hét 1/1-ese:
📺: #LACvsCIN on CBS
📱: NFL app // Yahoo Sports app: https://t.co/5o8cWoN1yf pic.twitter.com/7daXXQlp8Y— NFL (@NFL) September 13, 2020
A hét megfejelése:
#Lions LB Jamie Collins was ejected for making contact with a referee. Looks like he was trying to demonstrate what a #Bears player did to him. pic.twitter.com/vyqNV94dsB
— NFL Update (@MySportsUpdate) September 13, 2020
A hét fejbekólintása:
Goff got smacked in the face before throwing a pick 😬 pic.twitter.com/20qmQw02ix
— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) September 14, 2020
A hét pofonja:
yea, you’re done pic.twitter.com/BK8NgtC5WI
— Warren Sharp (@SharpFootball) September 15, 2020
A hét békés tüntetése:
During the Kickoff in Atlanta, players on both teams exercised their right to bring attention to social injustices that have persisted in the Black community for many years. We stand by the players in the quest for equality. pic.twitter.com/ZRrUmTI3uc
— NFL (@NFL) September 13, 2020
WAKANDA FOREVER pic.twitter.com/utHtjrzyK1
— SB Nation (@SBNation) September 13, 2020

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- A Bengals nem áll le, Trey Hendricksonnal is hosszabbítana
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- A Vikings kivágta tavalyi kezdő centerét
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- Triple Coverage #590 – Hogyan befolyásolta a piac a draftot?
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- Joey Bosa: Halhatatlanok lehetünk Buffalóban
- Mock draft a szabadügynök piac lecsengése után
- A legjobb elérhető szabadügynökök piacnyitás után egy héttel
- Rövidhírek a hétvégi igazolásokról
- Egyáltalán nem köteleződött el Sam Darnold mellett a Seahawks
- BREAKING: A Bengals hosszabbított Ja’Marr Chase-szel és Tee Higginsszel is!
Legutóbbi hozzászólások
- bjeela on A holtszezon szokásos bajnokai? – Bears FA-értékelő
- ThySoul on Joey Bosa: Halhatatlanok lehetünk Buffalóban
- Kopi3.14 on BREAKING: A Bengals hosszabbított Ja’Marr Chase-szel és Tee Higginsszel is!
- Zotya on Nincs meg, hogy mit kell tudni a 2025-ös draft classról? Gyere, elmondom! – 2. rész
- Hurrá Torpedó on Joey Bosa: Halhatatlanok lehetünk Buffalóban
- Cseh Tibor on BREAKING: A Bengals hosszabbított Ja’Marr Chase-szel és Tee Higginsszel is!
- Pedro44 on BREAKING: A Bengals hosszabbított Ja’Marr Chase-szel és Tee Higginsszel is!
- Kopi3.14 on BREAKING: A Bengals hosszabbított Ja’Marr Chase-szel és Tee Higginsszel is!
Már nem tudom, melyik meccsen láttam, de a koordinátor maszkban mondta a playt a játékosoknak, de a táblával még a maszkot is eltakarta. :D
Amúgy nem egy koordinátor és edző nyomta maszk nélkül, Paytonnak pl. még ennyire sem volt felhúzva a maszkja/sálja, mint McVaynek. Nem csodálom, hogy rájuk száll a liga, bár a büntetéseket megnézném. Gondolom nem fognak úgy eljárni, mint Indiában :D
Esetleg ez? :D
Többször elhangzott, hogy Reid végre megtanulta kezelni az órát. Szerintem szó sincs róla, csak egyszerűen nem látott ki a plexin és fogalma sem volt, hogy mennyi az idő :)
Az ikertornyok mindent visz, lmao🤣